Do you handle commercial jobs – Indeed we do. Window Treats Inc was built as a residential window treatment company serving the Monmouth County, Brooklyn, and Manhattan localities. Over the years we have expanded to serve commercial clients. Currently, Window Treats Inc is working on a boutique hotel with over 200 windows!
The picture to the left is not the actual hotel. In fact is only a 3d model, but we wanted to give you an idea of the type of customized projects we are uniquely suited for. Our company, Window Treats Inc, has developed its niche in the areas of customization and quality. The jobs we are sought after and think are the best fit are commercial buildings that incorporate unique, high-end design. We love working with designers, architects and hospitality consultants who are interested in implementing a design which is non-conventional. That is our specialty area and is what we love to do.
A few years ago we were asked to help a company save $15,000 a year on the cost of maintenance. Their maintenance men would walk the building opening and closing window shades. To give you a sense of the company, envision a technology company whose building is mostly windows. This created a nice open feel, but during the day the sun was unbearable. The shades needed to be brought down. In the later afternoon, the shades needed to be brought back up. These window shades were manual so the maintenance men were in charge of lifting them and bringing them down everyday! We proposed motorizing their window shades with a UV sensor to automatically open and close based on the lumens of the sun. They LOVED this idea (as did we 🙂 )
Window Treats Inc is located right near Little Silver, Tinton Falls and Toms River with a Hunter Douglas Gallery showroom.